(31 Dec 1994) Russian/Nat

Russian forces have launched what appears to be a final push on the Chechen capital, Grozny, pounding the city with shells and rockets as fighter-bombers smash Chechen positions.

According to western correspondents in the Chechen capital, the first Russian troops have broken through the Chechen defences and are inside the city.

There's been heavy machine-gun and rifle fire in downtown Grozny, where the presidential palace is on fire and terrified residents are hiding in cellars and bomb shelters.

Russian artillery shells and rockets smashed into downtown Grozny at a rate of two to three a minute.

Towards the middle of the afternoon (Saturday), the parliamentary building was reported hit and one wing was said to have burst into flames.

Chechens tried to dowse the flames, but with the water supply in the capital cut off, there seemed little hope of putting out the fire.

A group of Russian deputies who had travelled to Chechnya to appraise the growing crisis were caught in the bombardment.


"We have just seen a burning oil storage tank. The city is threatened by an ecological catastrophe. We have to smother the fire before it reaches the explosive materials. Instead, the Russian soldiers are shooting at civilian houses. Ten minutes ago we were looking at destroyed buildings and out of the houses came a troop of women. People are in basements. They are doing what they can. It is just not true the bombing has stopped. We are hearing the explosions. We are seeing the result of their actions."
SUPER CAPTION: Viktor Shenis, Russian Deputy.

This morning's assault began from the direction of Alkhan-Kala, a village nine miles northwest of Grozny.

Through the afternoon, bombs and rockets rained down on the city, destroying buildings and setting gas mains alight.

Hundreds of soldiers and civilians on both sides have been killed during the attack - including a platoon of 20 young Russian soldiers.

It appeared that some Russian troops succeeded in penetrating Chechen defenses and seized key buildings.

But by afternoon the picture was chaotic and the streets empty.

Chechen fighters retreating from their positions around Grozny, tried to re-group inside the capital to defend the parliamentary building and presidential palace.

Some Russian troops and Russian fighters exchanged rounds of tracer bullets a few hundred yards from the presidential palace.

On the outskirts of Grozny, flames leapt from an oil refinery near to where an ammonia plant where toxic chemicals are reportedly stored.

The refinery burnt out of control, sending up a sickening cloud with the stench of cordite which spread over the city blocking out light.

As the assault continues, it's still unclear how many Russian troops have entered the city.

But many Chechens are taking no chances and leaving the city in any vehicle that's available.

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