Comparison: One Seven OSP-24i-T vs. RB Around-the-Pump

Описание к видео Comparison: One Seven OSP-24i-T vs. RB Around-the-Pump

In this video we compare the proportioning of foaming agent via the One Seven proportioning system OSP-24i-T with an "Around-the-pump foam proportioning system" from Rosenbauer.

The first thing which stands out is the proportioning rates that can be selected: One Seven`s portable proportioning system OSP-24i-T allows a continuous adjustment of the proportioning rate between 0.1% and 9.9%. This makes it possible to use modern high-performance foaming agents with the One Seven proportioning system. High-performance foaming agents consist of a particularly high percentage of effective substances. This means that their proportioning rate can be kept very low, resulting in very low, cost-saving consumption. The low consumption extends the autonomous operating times of a firefighting vehicle, because no foaming agent has to be brought in and refilled.

Rosenbauer´s "around-the-pump" system offers only two alternatives: 3% and 6%.

According to the selectable proportioning rates, a One Seven foaming agent with a proportioning rate of 0.3% and a foaming agent from another manufacturer with a 3% proportioning rate were used to produce extinguishing foam.

With a water flow of 525 l/min a foaming agent consumption of 1.575 l/min could be expected with One Seven´s proportioning system OSP-24i-T and One Seven foaming agent. With Rosenbauer´s system with a 3% rate the expected foaming agent consumption was of course 10 times as high, i.e. 15.75 l/min.

In fact, however, Rosenbauer´s “Around-the-pump foam proportioning system” had completely consumed 10 l of foaming agent after only 17 seconds! This corresponds to a consumption of 35.3 l/min, i.e. an actual proportioning rate of nearly 7%! An extremely high consumption which is extremely uneconomical and requires fast and complex replenishment logistics in a firefighting operation! The reason for this strong deviation between the expected consumption and the actual consumption is that Rosenbauer´s "Around-the-pump" is not a proportioning system but an eductor. The setting of 3% or 6% is completely misleading. There should actually be an indication here in "flow per minute".

When using the One Seven proportioning system OSP-24i-T the set proportioning rate of 0.3 % was exactly adhered to. 10 l of foaming agent were used in 411 seconds, which corresponds to a proportioning rate of 0.29 % and a foaming agent consumption of economical 1.48 l/min.

Would you like more information on One Seven proportioning systems? Take a look at our website:

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