Improve Your Life Using the Stages of Change Model (Transtheoretical) - @DrWendyGuess

Описание к видео Improve Your Life Using the Stages of Change Model (Transtheoretical) - @DrWendyGuess

Following the Stages of Change Model (aka Transtheoretical Model) can help people recognize habits or behaviors that are beneficial to change, and thus, improve their lives. Read the article on   / improve-your-life-using-right-stages-chang...  

There are 5 stages:
1. Pre-Contemplation - before you're ready to make a change (awareness building)
2. Contemplation - considering the pros and cons (internal decision making)
3. Preparation - getting ready to make a change (planning for success)
4. Action - making the actual change (Executing)
5. Maintenance - converting from a temp. change to a permanent habit (monitor motivation)

This video is one of a Playlist series of Successful Positive Change training videos that address key elements of making personal, professional, emotional, physical, mental, and social changes. These training videos are designed for both personal and professional use and can be used as a roadmap to changing attitudes, behaviors, organizations, and cultures.

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