Power BI Dashboard Project for Business | Build Step by Step KPI Dashboard

Описание к видео Power BI Dashboard Project for Business | Build Step by Step KPI Dashboard

Power BI Tutorial for beginners on how to create a dashboard within power bi for business to visualize business related KPIs and visualizations. I am covering a lot of key dashboard design and development techniques in this tutorial so hope you'll enjoy creating this dashboard.

Want to take your power bi dashboarding skills to next level? then join my advance power bi dashboard training, email me - [email protected]
In this training I cover 10 advance dashboards with lot of dax and visualization configuration for standard and professional looking business dashboards.

Power BI Tutorials Google Sheet- https://tinyurl.com/38zn7t4k
Dataset - https://tinyurl.com/yd65vnf3
4:56 - dataset location


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