Does Mobile Phone Attract Lightning?

Описание к видео Does Mobile Phone Attract Lightning?

Many reported incidents of lightning strike casualties often link to mobile phone use. It's a common thought that mobile phones pose a risk if use during thunderstorm because lightning is attracted to metals.

Safety experts explained that lightning is not attracted to anything, the expression "opposite attracts" is definitely the case for lightning, as it occurs when the strong negative charges (electrons) in the cloud attracts positive charges (protons) in the ground, but not because lightning is attracted to anything below.

So when exactly lightning risk people from getting struck? One and the mostly considered factor is our proximity to metallic structures, trees, waterbodies, and plugged devices, that's why we are reminded to stay away from them, not again because lightning is attracted to anything, but because they can serve as conductors, lightning always choose the path of less resistance to quicky get to the ground.

Is using cellphone during thunderstorm not considered a factor? Cellphone use does not pose a risk because it constitutes an insignificant amount of metals, but charging cellphone or plugging electronics during thunderstorm is never safe because it is connected to a steel beams and metal tools outside, when lightning struck the outside components it can travel through wirings damaging everything in its path and as it reaches the handset can result to injury or death of anyone who happens to be there nearby.

In simple term, lightning is not attracted to anything, that includes you, your phone, and every objects around you, therefore, it's only a myth that cellphone use is the reason behind reported incidents of lightning strike, blame rather the conductivity of metals and waters that offers pathway for the lightning to pass through and struck anyone and anything causing casualties.

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