Disease cycle of Stem or Black Rust of Wheat Pycnia, Aeciospores, Uredia, Telia, Basidiospores

Описание к видео Disease cycle of Stem or Black Rust of Wheat Pycnia, Aeciospores, Uredia, Telia, Basidiospores

"Understanding the Disease Cycle of Stem or Black Rust of Wheat caused by Puccinia graminis tritici is crucial for effective management and prevention. In this informative video, we delve into the causes, symptoms, and epidemiology of this destructive wheat disease. Explore the intricate life cycle of Stem or Black Rust, from initial infection to spore dispersal, and learn about key control strategies to safeguard your wheat crops. Stay informed, protect your yields, and optimize your wheat farming practices with valuable insights on Stem or Black Rust disease cycle."
What is the disease cycle of stem rust of wheat?
What is the life cycle of black rust of wheat?
What are aeciospores?
What are uredia or uredospores?
What are Telia or Teliospores?
What are basidia or basidiospores?
What are spermetia?
What are pycnia?

Disease Cycle of Stem Rust, Disease Cycle of Black Rust, Stem Rust of Wheat, Black Rust of Wheat, Wheat Rust Disease Cycle, Puccinia graminis tritici, Wheat Rust Life Cycle, Wheat Rust Epidemiology, Wheat Rust Infection, Wheat Rust Spore Dispersal, Wheat Rust Pathogen, Wheat Rust Disease Progression, Wheat Rust Control Strategies, Wheat Rust Prevention, Wheat Rust Management.

Causal organism
Fungus: Puccinia graminis tritici
Order: Uredinales
Family: Pucciniaceae

Stem rust occurs primarily on stems but can also be found on leaves, sheaths, glumes, awns, and even seeds. 
Initially, reddish brown pustules appeared on the stalk, leaf sheath & rarely on leaves
A brown powdery mass of uredospores is exposed for dispersal
Later telia (Bicelled) develop & pustules changed black in color
In a severe attack, plants look sickly & fail to emerge normal ears
Grains shriveled & lighter in weight

Disease cycle
It is a heteroecious (requires two unrelated host plants, the fungus has five distinct stages:
the pycnial and aecial stages occur on common barberry (the alternate host), and the uredial (orange) and telial (black or winter) stages occur on wheat
Whereas basidia arise from teliospores and basidiospores infect barberry 
Free water on plants & temp 18-29.5 °C Appear in March
Pycnia appear on barberry plants in the spring, usually in the upper leaf surfaces
Five to 10 days later, cup-shaped structures filled with orange-yellow, powdery aeciospores break through the lower leaf surface 
Aeciospores from alternate host barberry (Berberis vulgaris) are the primary source of inoculum on wheat plant
Mycelium & uredia on volunteer plants are also the sources of infection
Uredia are windblown.

Five stages and spores of stem rust cycle


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