"Our Saga" - Wheaton College Talent Show Winner 2018

Описание к видео "Our Saga" - Wheaton College Talent Show Winner 2018

A super serious original song about going on a saga date

(performed 11/10/18 by Allie Schraeder during Family Weekend)

A few key references for those who won't understand the very Wheaton specific humor:
Saga - the affectionate, unoffical name for our campus dining hall
Anderson Commons - the offical name of said dining hall
Getting a tray - MAJOR taboo (only ok for football players)
Chicken Parm - the best meal Saga has to offer
Floating - the now defunct practice of placing a root beer float with two straws at the table of a couple on a saga date
Bon Appetit - our current catering company who replaced Saga in the early 90s


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