RS485 communication/Modbus RTU Communication between HMI and PLC

Описание к видео RS485 communication/Modbus RTU Communication between HMI and PLC

In this video you will learn Modbus RTU communication between WECON HMI and WECON PLCs. Modbus is the "granddaddy" of mechanical correspondence conventions. It was initially structured in the mid-1970s by Modicon as an approach to connect clever gadgets with PLCs utilizing a straightforward ace/slave idea. "Straightforward" is a key descriptor for Modbus – and furthermore its greatest quality. It is anything but difficult to execute and simple to utilize. At the point when it was first presented, it was an exclusive convention that no one but Modicon could utilize. Nonetheless, it was later distributed sovereignty free with the goal that anybody could utilize it.
The term “Modbus” typically refers to one of three related protocols: Modbus ASCII, Modbus RTU, or Modbus TCP/IP
1- Modbus ASCII was the first Modbus and is a serial protocol, typically running on either the RS-232 or RS-485 physical layer. All slaves are polled on demand by the master, and there is only one master. The message frame can be up to 252 bytes in length, and up to 247 addresses are possible.
2- Modbus RTU is really just a small variation on the Modbus ASCII protocol. The only difference is in the encoding of the data. ASCII encodes the message in ASCII characters, while RTU uses bytes, thus increasing the protocol’s throughput. In general, RTU is more popular, particularly in new installations.
3- Modbus TCP/IP was added much later. One simple way of thinking about Modbus TCP/IP is to picture it as simply encapsulating a Modbus RTU packet within a TCP/IP packet. There is a bit more to it than that, but this is essentially what Modbus did. As a result, Modbus TCP/IP is also very simple to implement. The tradeoff is that, because it uses TCP/IP protocol for all messages, it is slow compared to other Ethernet industrial protocols – but still fast enough for monitoring applications.


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