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Marriage Obstacles Remedies විවාහ දෝෂ සහ පිළියම් ඔබගේ විවාහය ප්‍රමාද වන්නේ ඇයි ඊට විසඳුමක් තිබේද ? ක්‍රිෂ්ණමූර්ති පද්ධති කාලාම්ශ ජ්‍යොතිෂ විශේෂඥ ගම්පහ ඩබ්ලිව්. එස්. රාජපක්ෂ මහතා වෙතින් ජ්‍යොතිෂ කටයුතු සිදුකරවාගැනීමට 0710907638 අමතන්න.

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Matchmaking for Marriage
Matchmaking for marriage is a tradition from ancient ages in India. As time passes, with the modern times, the use of Horoscope matching has decreased. But still, in the present days, Kundli Matching plays a significant role in our marriage or married life. Lot of people depend very much on matching of charts to secure peace and harmony in life after marriage.

Today, When Divorce or Separation is increasing in an alarming rate in our Society, Nothing but Astrology is the best option that can help one to get rid of these problems. Let’s see how does Astrology work in making the way of one’s married life smoother or help to lead a peaceful married life.

What is the meaning of Matchmaking
Matchmaking is the process of matching the horoscopes of the bride and groom for the purpose of marriage to know whether their married life will be successful or not. Everyone wants a good spouse with whom he or she can create some beautiful memories and feel happy. This is the area where actual happiness of the person lies over. In Traditional Indian culture horoscope or kundli of both boy and girl are matched in order to nullify any bad effects after marriage. Also, in case of any doshas, astrologers offer several remedies and solutions to overcome its malefic effects.

That is why, Most of the Hindu families match the detailed birth charts of their children before deciding to get them married, to see whether their stars are compatible or not.

What is the importance of Horoscope Matching for marriage
The Main importance of Matchmaking for Marriage is Selection of a right Life Partner. Marriage is a turning point in the lives of two individuals and their families. So We are very cautious while taking decision about our Life Partner. When We take birth, the planets position in the sky indicates lot of things , including our Marriage. So Matching of Horoscope, prepared from date of birth, will give us a clue about how our Married Life will be and What is most suitable time for Marriage etc. If we use Astrology in a proper way, We will be able to increase the happiness of our Married Life. That is why many people in India consult an astrologer for Match Making between bride and bridegroom. Matching of charts or MatchMaking for marriage is not an easy job. It needs a lot of hard work indeed. It can only be possible if you have many years of practical experience as well as a better understanding about the Astrology.

So what is the importance of Matchmaking in marriage? What does it say? Is it really important? Let me explain what role Astrology has to play in a person’s married life and why Matchmaking is important for us.

How compatible are the Stars of the two Souls
One major reason for the Matchmaking before marriage is to understand how compatible the bride and groom are. If two persons are not compatible with each other, If their nature and character is completely different, it becomes very tough for them to Stay together for a Long period of time. As per our Vedic Astrology, there are 36 Gunas in total which Should be matched to conclude how compatible the two people are and how prosperous and harmonious their life after marriage will be. Each of the Gunas has different points and each point indicates a different factor of life. It also indicates the effects of their individual stars and destinies on each other. By matching kundali or Horoscope we can also determine conjugal harmony.

Is this a Good time to perform the Marriage
It is Possible that Sometime Everything is fine , Horoscopes are also Perfectly Matched, But the Time is not Favorable. The result or Outcome of any task performed in Unfavourable time is bound to be unfavorable.


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