I Tested the ULTIMATE Retro iOS Synth App // Audiokit VHS Synth review

Описание к видео I Tested the ULTIMATE Retro iOS Synth App // Audiokit VHS Synth review

I Tested the ULTIMATE Retro iOS Synth App // Audiokit VHS Synth review

In this video I take a deep dive into how VHS Synth works and take a closer look at how it came to be.

Download VHS Synth on iPad and iPhone from the App Store: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/vhs-syn...

Find out more about the story behind VHS Synth here: https://audiokitpro.com/vhssynth/


00:00 Nostalgia is Powerful
00:45 This synth hits different
02:39 How does VHS Synth work?
07:54 Custom Presets
09:59 Things I didn't like
10:33 Is VHS Synth worth it?


Just getting started with GarageBand on iOS or iPadOS?: https://thegaragebandguide.com/gettin...

GarageBand for Mac beginners, this one’s for you: https://thegaragebandguide.com/the-ga...


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