FLAWLESS Home Invasion Response?

Описание к видео FLAWLESS Home Invasion Response?

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How do I respond to a home invasion? What elements go into a perfect self-defense scenario? In a perfect world, there would be no need for self-defense — but our world is far from perfect. U.S. Concealed Carry Association Director of Content Kevin Michalowski is joined by criminal defense attorney Tom Grieve as the men analyze shocking home-security footage of a lightning-fast self-defense encounter.

The defender in this stunning scenario seems to do everything right, from situational awareness to knowing when to break off the engagement and not pursue his attacker. Carrying a gun is not enough; you need to be trained and prepared to use it when it matters. Watch this video to learn tips for responding to a home invasion!

#uscca #self-defense #situationalawareness

Kevin and Tom Break Down This Shocking Video:

00:00 Intro
00:40 Watch the home-security footage of this life-or-death encounter.
01:03 Attorney Tom Grieve breaks down the incident from a legal standpoint.
01:28 Kevin outlines what the man did right in defending his family from an attacker.
01:50 It is crucial to have your gun on you and ready to fire.
02:20 Situation awareness is key.
03:14 What does Kevin like about this video?
04:40 Doing things right includes not doing the wrong things.
06:03 Education and training are important parts of self-defense.
06:55 Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Who is the U.S. Concealed Carry Association?
The U.S. Concealed Carry Association Exists to Help Responsible Americans Like You Avoid Danger, Save Lives & Keep Your Family Safe

I know “save lives” might seem a little intense, but let me ask you a question …

Have you ever genuinely feared for your life?

Have you ever had an experience that you think: “this is it. I might not make it...”

Well if you have, I bet you can say with all certainty that you NEVER want your loved ones to feel that. You want to do everything in your power to make sure the people who are counting on you always feel safe and secure.

That’s what we really do here.

The U.S. Concealed Carry Association is about peace of mind.

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