Akshaya Tritiya 2024 | What To Buy On This Auspicious Day? | Gold, Silver Or Property? | N18V

Описание к видео Akshaya Tritiya 2024 | What To Buy On This Auspicious Day? | Gold, Silver Or Property? | N18V

For Hindus, the Sanskrit meaning of Akshaya Tritiya, the two words, holds a lot of importance. "Akshaya" means "eternal" and the term "Tritiya" signifies the third day of the illuminated half of Vaishakha month. As the name suggests, it is believed that any auspicious activity or investment made on this day brings endless prosperity and good fortune. Among the various customs observed on Akshaya Tritiya, buying gold and other items is considered beneficial. So, if you're wondering what to buy on this Akshaya Tritiya to usher in good fortune, here are some suggestions.

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