Never Give Up - Permadeath Clear (Single Segment / No Quit to Menu)

Описание к видео Never Give Up - Permadeath Clear (Single Segment / No Quit to Menu)

Holy hell this one took so much out of me. This is for sure the hardest platforming deathless run I've done so far. Having taken almost 4x as many tries as Iron God, I was really starting to feel the pain from this one.

Some things to note:
I have an input overlay to correspond to my key presses coming through the mic, as well as a hand cam with a timer on my phone displaying continuous time to the millisecond.

This run was particularly brutal because I kept experiencing fps drops during the run, sometimes this was noticeable quickly enough to wait it out, which you might notice me doing in some parts of the video by jumping back and forth. Other times the lag came on strongly enough to cause me to drop an input where it was most important and lose the run.

The day I got this run I ended up accidentally completing the entire game in level order on my main save file without dying, I was frustrated that I missed the run in that moment by not playing on permadeath, but luckily I was able to reproduce the results a bit later and knock it out for real.

Overall I think NGU is a good platforming game, but the deathless run itself is a monumental feat for sure. I wasn't a huge fan of the physics in particular, but they were solid enough to not be a problem the vast majority of the time.

On for_loop I end up switching the control scheme, the reason I do this is because of the consistency I have with pressing keys in a specific order. The jump where this matters is made much easier by doing a dash jump, but given how far into the run it is, it's nerve wracking to try using my default layout.

Thumbnail credit goes to Plandiss, the absolute chad.


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