Mt. Rainier Summit Climb (July 21-22, 2023). 3D Map, Sunrise, Long DC Route, Alpenglow. 14410ft.

Описание к видео Mt. Rainier Summit Climb (July 21-22, 2023). 3D Map, Sunrise, Long DC Route, Alpenglow. 14410ft.

Alright, this is my favorite volcano of the Cascades. This year the regular route above disappointment cleaver collapsed and fell through the crevasse because of heat. Therefore, guides from 3 major guiding companies opened a new route that goes toward Emmons and comes back around. It looks like this climbing season will end sooner. This video shows the detailed 3D route and the wonderful experience of climbing Mt. Rainier, the tallest and the most glaciated volcano in the contiguous US.
RMI Guides: Alan Davis, Sam Hoffman, Sam Marjerison


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