The Evolution of the Chinese Growth Model

Описание к видео The Evolution of the Chinese Growth Model

The recent turmoil in China's property markets is not a cause of China's economic slowdown but rather a symptom of the underlying imbalances in the Chinese economy that must eventually lead either to dramatic transformation of the country's growth model or to a very sharp slowdown. It also illustrates, however, just how difficult it is for Beijing to implement the reforms it has been discussing for nearly a decade.

About the speakers

Michael Pettis is a finance professor at the Guanghua School of Peking University and Senior Fellow at the Carnegie-Tsinghua Center. Before moving to China in 2002 Pettis spent fifteen years on Wall Street running fixed-income trading and capital markets desks at JP Morgan, First Boston and Bear Stearns, where he advised Latin American, Asian and Eastern European governments on debt and balance sheet strategies. During the last nine of these years he also taught finance and economic history at Columbia University. He has published over 200 articles in various leading periodicals along with six books, the most recent of which, Trade Wars are Class Wars (Yale University Press 2020), was awarded the Lionel Gelber Prize. He received an MBA in Finance and an MIA in Development Economics from Columbia University.

Glenda Korporaal (Chair) a columnist with The Australian newspaper with a long time interest in China.

She has been covering business, finance, economics and world events as a journalist in Australia and around the world for more than thirty years.

She is a former China correspondent for the Australian newspaper (2018 and 2019) and former editor of The Australian’s business magazine, the deal. She covered the 2008 Olympics in Beijing and attended the 2010 World Expo in Shanghai.

She has worked as a journalist in Sydney, Canberra, Washington, New York, London, Hong Kong and Singapore and has interviewed many senior business executives in Australia and around the world.

Her career has included stints as London, Washington and New York correspondent for The Australian Financial Review (AFR).


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