Dislocated Sholder & Discrimination

Описание к видео Dislocated Sholder & Discrimination

Dislocated Sholder & Discrimination.

Yesterday I moved so boxes above and to the side of my bed. And pop switch. Ouch. My Sholder Dislocated. My mom immediate took me to the ER Hospital. As I was in screaming labor pain. But was fighting the pain on a level 10 wise.
The took X-RAYS.

The stuck a long shot into my belly and into my back. Then cut my shirt wear my dislocated shoulder was. Then they moved a needle through my dislocated shoulder hitting all the nerves and numbing the pain.

The Doctor is a really nice bro.
But the nurses and others looked at me weird. Like I was an alien and evil. It is because my birth records show that I am a girl, but I grew into a man. Facial hair, penis, undescended testes. It all grew later in life.

But since we live out in the country, not the city I was judged. The nurses and others looked at me weird and treated me with anger. The Doctor man was nice though. When I was done with them yanking twisting my arm back into place. The nurse in front of everyone said out loud, " take care ladies!" I was so embarrassed! As a man to be called that hurts my ego very bad! Didn't you see my facial hair, didn't you see my big man muscles, didn't you see my chest hair, didn't you see the real me? I thought this one nurse was doing it on purpose because she wanted me to be a girl. So, she lied to herself, me and everyone just to get her discrimination way!

My pain levels are compared to being shot with a gun!


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