Nakiri Ayame – Stream Ends When?

Описание к видео Nakiri Ayame – Stream Ends When?

SOURCE 👉    • 【ホロ鯖マイクラ】エンチャント本釣るまで終われない放送【#百鬼あやめ/ホロ...  

Name: Nakiri Ayame
Twitter:   / nakiriayame  
YouTube:    / @nakiriayame  

Ayame is a Virtual YouTuber and member of Hololive. She's a 1500-year-old oni spirit, but these days enjoys streaming for her dear humans. Check her out for some chill-out streams with an oni who's always full of giggles.


There's plenty to enjoy, even if you don't understand Japanese.

Ayame has a lovely singing voice, and has a playlist of song covers:
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As well as a playlist of karaoke streams:
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Possibly the best builder in Hololive, her Minecraft streams are worth checking out for some chill architecture and adventuring:
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She also enjoys shooter games, and sometimes plays PUBG:
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Or Apex:
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Hololive Official EN:   / hololive_en  
My translations Twitter:   / lygert  


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