Nix Kubernetes and the Pursuit of Reproducibility - Josh Rosso, Reddit

Описание к видео Nix Kubernetes and the Pursuit of Reproducibility - Josh Rosso, Reddit

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Nix, Kubernetes, and the Pursuit of Reproducibility - Josh Rosso, Reddit

Nix(OS) has been gaining popularity with its promises of offering ‘true’ reproducibility, fully-featured package language, and atomic upgrades. These are qualities we look for when establishing our infrastructure to support Kubernetes and even building the workloads we run atop. However, Nix certainly has its trade-offs. For one, the function-style language (nix) may feel foreign to many in the Go-dominated, cloud-native, ecosystem. Additionally, Nix has unconventional opinions around packages themselves, along with host details, such as the existence of /bin, /lib, etc. Today, we will explore the potential relationship between the Kubernetes ecosystem and Nix. Does it elegantly solve real problems or is the added complexity a non-starter?


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