How to Use Wordless Picture Books - Infants & Young Toddlers

Описание к видео How to Use Wordless Picture Books - Infants & Young Toddlers

Wordless picture books are books that are told entirely through their illustrations. These books contain very few words or no words at all.

There are no “right” or “wrong” ways to read a wordless book. Use the pictures to imagine what you think is happening to the characters and why. Ask the children open-ended questions, in other words, Who? Where? When? Why? How? questions to get their imaginations going (Pennsylvania Department of Education et al., 2014b). You can do this even if the children are too young to answer you! Simply ask the question, pause, then answer it yourself!

Colorín Colorado and LD OnLine & Reading Rockets. (n.d.). Sharing wordless picture books | Reading Rockets. Reading Rockets.

Pennsylvania Department of Education, Pennsylvania Department of Human Services, & Office of Child Development and Early Learning. (2014b). Pennsylvania Learning Standards for Early Childhood Pre-Kindergarten. In Infants and Toddlers.


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