Daily Word | 1 Timothy 3 | Qualifications for Pastors and Elders

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Daily Word | 1 Timothy 3 | Qualifications for Pastors and Elders

Pastor Costi Hinn takes us through 1 Timothy 3 on the Daily Word, a ministry of Redeemer Bible Church in Gilbert, Arizona.

Qualifications for Pastors and Elders (1 Timothy 3). Even the best of men are still men at best, but there are qualifications that pastors and elders must have habitually in their life.

The 17 qualifications of the Pastors or Elders:

1. Aspiration
2. Above Reproach
3. Husband of One Wife
4. Temperate
5. Prudent
6. Respectable
7. Hospitable
8. Able to Teach
9. Not Addicted to Wine
10. Not Pugnacious
11. Gentle
12. Uncontentious
13. Not a Lover of Money
14. Manages Household Well
15. Children Under Control with Dignity
16. Not a New Convert
17. Good Reputation Outside the Church

Church leaders have a high bar. May we be committed to praying for our pastors, elders, and deacons at our church.

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