Final Fantasy III/VI LLC Kefka Tower Ultimate Boss 2/3: Poltrgeist

Описание к видео Final Fantasy III/VI LLC Kefka Tower Ultimate Boss 2/3: Poltrgeist

Sabin, Gogo, Strago, Celes (lv 7, 9, 8 & 7)

This boss was pretty hard one. Maybe even harder than Goddess. I start fight with Phantom esper. I did die last time when boss started used Sharpnell before i was maded anyone reraise status. Vanish you are saved Sharpnell i guess. Good luck with this attempt, boss never used it. Its really crap move.

This is one my strongest team, but not best defence or Mblock. When you not are vanish anymore just cast life 3 as soon as you can and keep this status. Many boss attack can wipe out team out with bad luck. Wavecannon and sharpnell. Boss also like use Stop. You can dispell it, but its also dispell life 3 status. So cast dispell & life 3 soon as you can.

Its look Gogo can still mimic Strago lores. I make some errors last time. Yeah this move is more powerful than Ultima LLC.

Its not very easy boss. This boss attack very fast succession and extrmely dangerous ones. Not care heal your team. Those attack if hit take over 1000 energy away.


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