Carenado HAWKER 850XP UPDATED part 1 of 2

Описание к видео Carenado HAWKER 850XP UPDATED part 1 of 2

This is a new and updated version of The Carenado Hawker 850XP flight start up and autopilot procedures with some new tips and tricks. The Carenado version of the Hawker can be a challenging aircraft to learn mainly because there is limited information provided for the complex Collins Proline 21 avionics package.

Our flight today is from Kenai, Alaska (PAEN Orbx scenery) to one of the most remote locations in North America,,, Dutch Harbor (PADU Aerosoft scenery) a 650 NM flight

In this Part 1 of 2 of our PAEN to PADU flight, we perform a cold & dark start-up procedure. Not every system is modeled perfectly, however, we do have enough functionality to fly the airplane with a reasonable level of realism.

The Carenado version of the Hawker is available at Please refer to our Channel's "about" tab for more information on or Flight Sim Rig and software specs.

Climb aboard, buckle-up, and enjoy the flight!! Kindest regards, Tim G., FS MaNiA


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