Cyst In Your Scrotum...What Is It?… What To Do?

Описание к видео Cyst In Your Scrotum...What Is It?… What To Do?

Did your doctor tell you that you have a cyst in your scrotum? Do you think that you may have a cyst in your scrotum? Watch this video to learn more.

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The information contained in the video and/or other multimedia content (the “videos”) represent the views of the UroCoach, LLC, ℠ (“UroCoach”) and do not necessarily represent the views of any other party. The content of these videos is meant for informational, educational and entertainment purposes only, and UroCoach does not make any representations or warranties with respect to the applicability, accurateness or completeness of the videos.

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00:00 Introduction
01:00 Scrotal Cysts
02:22 Sebaceous Cysts
03:28 What's In The Scrotum?
03:48 Spermatocele/ Epididymal Cyst
04:12 Vas Deferens
04:35 Angiokeratoma
05:12 Scrotal Cysts: Bottom Line.
05:57 Needs an Exam!
06:25 Summary


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