FESIG 106th Kian 369 : 'Antigravity and Zero-Point Energy - CARET Q4-86'

Описание к видео FESIG 106th Kian 369 : 'Antigravity and Zero-Point Energy - CARET Q4-86'

On 9th November at 7.30pm GMT, Crystal commenced the 106th FESIG Meeting’s 1st session with Kian369 speaking:-
The Palo Alto Research Laboratory PCL California. Engineer and computer scientist, Isaac, leaked the CARET Q4-86 documents in1986. The goal of the P.A. research was to reverse engineer alien technology through a process they called extraction. The artefact had been recovered from request crashed 18 craft. The research focused on four key subjects the anti-gravity generator, its ability records to record and project holograms. The anti-gravity abilities of the artefact extends to the generation of force fields around the craft, the dampening of G-forces inside the craft, spatial positioning of parts of the craft and movement of thoughts and hatches. This means that all the structural elements of the space craft were held together by the generated anti-gravity effect without a need for nuts and bolts or welding seams. There is electromagnetic radiation of all wavelengths. Everything you see, no matter how far away, is contained within your own consciousness. Alternative fuel is only worlds of energy, vibration and frequency. We all live in our own personal hologram inside our heads. In a magnet. All the atoms are polarised to point into the same direction. The smallest magnet is an atom. Magnetic fields can be detected with ferro fluids. This fluid contains magnetite atoms suspended in oil. - The course of the universe can only be outside of spacetime in that dimension of infinity, beyond the limits of our perception. This is where physics meets metaphysics. - The holographic universe is projected from this infinite point, from oneness into separation of spacetime, through the slowing down of the frequency of the source signal into various dimensions of frequencies. These rays in this image represented the sunlight interfere with themselves at cross points, creating the zero points in three dimensional space time from which the magnetic and electric forces sprout into existence. Without the existence of consciousness, there would be no experience and no purpose for this hologram. Consciousness is therefore a fundamental principle in the universe. - There are two types of anti-gravity generators. The first type uses counter rotation in the dielectric fields. This counter rotation can be either electromechanical or as in Otis Cars, ROTC, X-1 design or electromagnetic. - The second type of anti-gravity generator uses frequency manipulation to alter the source signal that creates the energy and notes of atoms. - Only a primordial vibratory frequency is one that defines the oscillations of the subatomic components that make up the matter itself in the mechanics of manifestation. - each location or place, like the Earth, for example, has a specific and irreplaceable frequency that defines it in the spacetime that we call the primordial or universal matrix. - A frequency of a specific place as its direction in the universe is closely related and interconnected with all others. - The direction of an unknown place using the Z factors coupled to a harmonic frequency is now predictable and pretty calculable. This allows to navigate a ship within the soup of existing frequencies, mostly unknown, only knowing the interaction between the frequencies of a place. The ship has an exact frequency map in its computer at will. It envelops itself in a high energy toroid through the principle of dominant frequencies. The exact energetic frequency of the toroid is imposed on the very ship and all that is within it, controlled by the computer. - The ships in hyperspace are not moving. It is space that moves around them. - Hyperspace flight is not propulsion. It is a change of vibrational frequency state. - no distances. - the creation of multi-layered force fields around the craft. - All ships comes equipped with a tractor beam. - controlled gravity field - within the light beam in relationship to its surroundings - Just like liquids and steam are both phases of water. Both electricity and magnetism can be converted into the other. - Teleportation portal or Stargate - The design of the CARET anti-gravity device exactly matches the principles of frequency manipulation based anti-gravity. Rediscovering these ET device operating principles to benefit humanity.

Kian 369’s channel: https://odysee.com/@Kian369:b
Ref source: @CosmicAgency
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