Magic Milk Experiment

Описание к видео Magic Milk Experiment

Full fat milk (if you have it. If not, try it with whatever milk you have!)
Food coloring
Dish soap
Cotton swabs
Shallow dish (pie tin, baking dish, etc.)

1. Pour your milk into a flat, shallow dish. You don’t have to pour too much in, just make sure to cover the bottom completely.
2. Add some drops of food coloring. I recommend starting small, maybe with just a few drops. This experiment can be repeated as many times as you want!
3. Dip your cotton swab in the soap and make sure it’s pretty coated!
4. Gently touch the milk with the soapy cotton swab and behold! What happens?
5. Add more color, get a new soapy cotton swab, and keep going!

When the soap is added to the milk, the molecules in the soap try to attach to the fat molecules in the milk. The colors we add to the milk let us see this reaction! It all stops moving eventually because all the soap has found fat molecules.

More to try:
What new items can you try? Use different kinds of milk (ones with less fat content, or more such as heavy cream, to compare), or try swapping out your soap for hand sanitizer. How does this work then?


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