Wedding in the village: inviting brother to brother to a trip to tradition and nomadic life

Описание к видео Wedding in the village: inviting brother to brother to a trip to tradition and nomadic life

Experience a trip to the simple world but full of joy of villages and nomadic traditions! In the heart of a beautiful village, where life is peaceful and cordial, a groom named Usuleddin is having a wedding among his family and friends.

But the groom invites his brother Saladin from a distant village to participate in this joyous celebration. Saladin, along with his wife Fatemeh and his daughter Asieh, along with their sweet twins Kianoosh and Kiaresh who live in their traditional house by the river, accept the invitation with enthusiasm and travel to his brother's wedding.

In this beautiful trip, Saladin and his family get to know the wonders and traditions that exist in the village. They experience moments of nomadic life with traditional wedding ceremonies, local songs and dances, delicious traditional food and the unparalleled hospitality of the village people. This trip is an opportunity for Saladin and his family to enjoy the simple and beautiful life of the village and get to know the values ​​and culture of the nomads.

After the wedding and saying goodbye to the bride and groom, Saladin returns to his traditional house by the river with his family. They continue their nomadic life with memories full of joy, intimacy and connection to nature.

Join this fascinating and enjoyable trip to the world of nomads and traditions of life. Together with Saladin and his family, be present in the heart of the village, experience unforgettable traditions and enjoy the simple but joyful nomadic life.

#simple life
#family intimacy
#Beautiful Nature


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