Sah Raki Defensive

Описание к видео Sah Raki Defensive

This has been a project in the works for the better part of a year.
I have been posting bits every now and then but this is the main, complete project.
No this isn't for a grade, it is solely for dipping my feet into making an animation series.
My animation style will hopefully grow from stickfigure's and 2-d battles to 3-d animations and full fledged characters with visible emotion and personalities.
Some sounds are from
And a good portion of sounds are just taken from youtube videos that had the audio I needed.
Like the Mass effect sounds for the lasers, Stargate hyperspace sounds and so on.
Credit goes to their appropriate owners and creators.
I also would like to thank everyone in the Discords that I am in for providing feedback on this project as it was being made. Chances are that without their feedback this project would have been abandoned long ago.


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