Tales of eternia final boss shizel and neried plus the ending

Описание к видео Tales of eternia final boss shizel and neried plus the ending

This is it everyone time has come to STOP the grand fall.

Recommended equipment:

Just put on the best of the best if you've done all the optional bosses up to this point and done most of the sidequests then your equipment should be just fine

Recommedned formation:

Obviously bring meredy, keel and reid but as for the last member using farah or max is just fine.....chat won't be much use here, but as usual put the spell casters and max st the back and your fighters like reid and farah at the front.

Recommended strategy:

This is a2 part boss battle the first part is shizel you fought her before in balirs castle but his time you have to win......well duh it's the final boss anyway when she uses her eternal fatality USE AURURA WALL your health doesn't need to be flashing when this happens if done right reid will stop the attack and HEAL everyones HP if you don't use it all of your health will be reduced to 1!! but since your at a much higher level, have better spell and awesome equipment then she shouldn't be much of a problem.

AS for her second form.......well this is when things get hard and most likely long......shizel had 120000 HP nereid has.........300000 HP!!!!!!! that's right it's even more hp then sukundes anyway this one will be long and alot of things will be happening at once so it's hard to see where your character is also keep checking up on her HP to see if it's under 10000 if it is then PREPARE!! she will use an attack that will instantly KILL YOU unless you follow my instructions....you know that aurura wave you got well heres where you can use it ONLY for this battle when she uses her dark aurura USE the same input for aurura wall but this time reid will use the wave instead instantly killing nereid!!!!.....however if that seems like too much presure then there is another way before you even attempt the final battle get 4 reverse dolls!! thne when nereids HP is 10000 or lower and she uses dark aurura quicky go to the menu and equipt those reverse dolls on your party members so that all you party members can be revived!!

Well anyway I'm glad I did this!!! there is another optional level but that's on new game plus soooooo yeah I'm going to go throught the whole game again just to do that!! but I hope you enjoyed this boss run and if YOU have any advice on how to handle these bosses then please by all mean give acomment below about it!!



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