UGC has declared the answer key for the exam conducted on October 2020. But it will available for only a few days. The last video we uploaded had all the paper-1 questions. This one contains paper-2 of the same paper. So we are uploading the question paper for future references and for the students preparing for the next exam.
I hope you like the video and if it is helpful then do comment below.
On behalf of University Grants Commission (UGC), the National Eligibility Test (NET) is conducted for determining the eligibility of Indian nationals for the Eligibility for Assistant Professor only or Junior Research Fellowship & Assistant Professor Both, in Indian Universities and Colleges.
Till June 2018, the CBSE conducted the NET in 84 subjects at 91 selected Cities of spread across the country. Since Dec 2018 onwards, the UGC- NET is being conducted by the NTA.
The award of JRF and or Eligibility for Assistant Professor depends on the aggregrate performance of the candidate in Paper-I and paper-II of UGC-NET. The candidates qualifying only for Assistant Professor are not to be considered for the award of JRF. Candidates who qualify the test for eligibility for Assistant Professor are governed by the rules and regulations for recruitment of Assistant Professor of the concerned universities/colleges/state governments, as the case may be. UGC-NET is conducted twice a year.
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