Straight vs Curved Axe Handles

Описание к видео Straight vs Curved Axe Handles

On an axe head, the poll is there specifically to act as a counter balance to the bit. Before the invention of the poll we had trade axes and such which consisted of just a wrapped eye and a bit. These axes--when swung in any direction other than straight down--have a tendency to "dive" in the bit due to the lack of a counterbalance. Hence, in time, the addition of a counter balance to the bit--the poll--was inevitable.

The handle which we affix the axe head to our body likewise changed design over time. Originally they were straight more often than not but a nuanced look into the balance of the tool with the addition of the many different head types being made led to new "curved" or "swept" handle designs. One part form, nine parts function.

Over time, and with the incessant hounding of production efficiency in the name of profit, the purpose of these designs were lost.

Hopefully this video, in spite of some flaws in speaking here or there, brings a light back to this knowledge of function.


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