Disneyland's 10th Anniversary (1965)

Описание к видео Disneyland's 10th Anniversary (1965)

No copyright infringement is intended with this, or any other video I upload. The purpose of uploading this video is for the viewing pleasure for those that watch it.

This episode is called "Disneyland's 10th Anniversary". This is the second of the five episodes that make up what I call "The World's Fair Era".

As the title implies, the episode celebrates the first ten years of Disneyland, but does far more than that. Before we go into the tenth anniversary celebrations, Walt Disney, along with Julie Rheim, the Disneyland Ambassador for 1965, first previews more Disneyland attractions, both from the World's Fair, such as "it's a Small World", and others, such as the new Plaza Gardens Restaurant.

But Walt also reveals plans for future attractions, and even a whole new land, the first since Disneyland opened in 1955. As a bonus, we see some of the creators and the imagineers talk about the various projects being worked on.

Walt reveals plans for "New Orleans Square", as well as what would become it's two staples, "The Haunted Mansion" and a ride based on the old pirates which would later take on the name "Pirates of the Caribbean". And as usual, Walt goes into detail about what he intends to include in the attraction, though as it turns out, he will not live long enough to see either of them open.

After that is finished, we then go to the tenth anniversary celebration, which includes still another addition, Mary Poppins. After the celebration in front of Sleeping Beauty's castle and a parade down Main Street, Walt begins to go through the history of Disneyland, major event by major event.

After documenting the history of Disneyland, Walt then takes us to the Enchanted Tiki Room, where we see an edited performance of Disneyand's first audioanimatronic attraction.

All rights and credits go to the Walt Disney Company and those that created the video and audio, including the music used in the program. That includes the Disney Channel, as I recorded this program on their Vault Disney block more than a decade ago.

If there are any others who I'm forgetting, please let me know so I can add them to the list of those to credit.

There's a chance that this video will either be taken down, not allowed up, or I'll be asked to take it down. If I'm asked to, I will take it down.


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