Explore the Benefits, Considerations, and Utility of NGS B- and T-cell Clonality Testing

Описание к видео Explore the Benefits, Considerations, and Utility of NGS B- and T-cell Clonality Testing

In the first half of the webinar, Dr. B. Melody Zhang will discuss advantages and limitations encountered while transitioning from a PCR/CE-based to an NGS-based T-cell clonality assay. She will impart her findings during this validation study, including recent data using the LymphoTrack TRG Assay - MiSeq for clonality detection, as well as discuss characteristics and considerations experienced during this transition.

In the second half of the webinar, Dr. Bijal Parikh will share insight on the transition of IGH and IGHV SHM from capillary electrophoresis to NGS and the opportunities and challenges with NGS technology. He will present his experience utilizing NGS in heme-oncology research, examining the performance characteristics of NGS technology for clonality testing, describing considerations for enhancing results, and sharing recent data resulting from a SLL/MM case study.


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