The Steamroller

Описание к видео The Steamroller

On May 14th 2024, the grade 11 students at WAB printed woodcut prints using a steamroller. This is a non-traditional method for creating woodcut prints, but we wanted to bring the traditional art of woodcarving out into the open and engage more people in the process. By printing with a steamroller, the entire process becomes an interactive event where the students and audience can observe each step.
Our goal was to print as many prints as possible in order to sell them and raise funds for our Cultural Canvas project. Working with the ASA club Art for Enlightenment, we are connecting our school with schools in Uganda and Congo. The money raised will be used to purchase tablets that students in Africa can use to interact with and learn about art in a digital format. The tablets will also allow us to communicate more easily, share tutorials and ideas about art techniques, and further our mission of using art as an agent for positive change in both communities.

Video created by:
Francesco Granata
Patrik Izing
Daniel Avila


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