June Monadic Merge Update

Описание к видео June Monadic Merge Update

Exciting updates to the Monadic Merge Meditation

Instead of accessing the energy of the planets, we are now able to enter the pyramids, Great Pyramids or Globes within the planets to bathe in the light codes of each one and activate them within us at an atomic level.

Lord Voosloo has returned to help us jump shift to a higher level of ascension.

An awesome new Petition to the Intergalactic Council
Archangel Michael’s Blue Pyramid of Source Truth. Master Marko has obtained permission from the Councils of the Stars and Planets for Serapis Bey and Archangel Michael to place it over our entire planet.

Incredible results of our petitions to the Intergalactic Council
Stuck souls in the astral realms. We are asked to continue to petition for more angels to clear the astral realms by lighting up the way for stuck souls to path. So far 40% of those who were stuck have passed.

5D healthy body
Your fifth dimensional health blueprint is the plan or design for your physical, mental, emotional, spiritual body at that frequency. It is like an architect’s drawing before you build your house. After the blueprint is fully approved then we build our fifth dimensional healthy body.
Archangel Raphael is now actively building your 5D healthy body and establishing your 7th dimensional health blueprint. For those who are ready Archangels Metatron and Mary are together starting to activate the blueprint for your 7D lightbody, which is the plan for your crystalline body and brain. It is your monadic blueprint for perfect physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health.

7th Dimensional Health Blueprint with Archangels Metatron and Mary
There has been a huge rise in frequency recently and during the Monadic Merge meditation we are now asking Archangels Metatron and Mary to start activating our 7th dimensional light bodies!

Last month we petitioned for all ancestral, family and genetic karma be transmuted and removed totally from the Akashi records of individuals and of humanity under grace. Now we are also petitioning for an immediate alleviation of physical, mental and emotional conditions for those affected.

6D ascension
The frequency has risen so rapidly this year and so many souls are waking up that for the first time 6D ascension is possible. As we access and activate the Codes of Pluto and its seven pyramids, we can now start the journey to 6D ascension.


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