END Chronic INSOMNIA 👀 once & for all! GUARANTEED RESULTS!

Описание к видео END Chronic INSOMNIA 👀 once & for all! GUARANTEED RESULTS!

Everything I have learnt over 20 years of insomnia, my training in sleep medicine, work with the NHS, MOJ, MOD, 1 -1 treatment with countless clients and two published books condensed down into 1 video!

If you want to overcome insomnia as fast as you possibly can you need to see this!

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Joseph Pannell is a former chronic insomniac of 20 years who overcame it with CBT-I. After training in the field he now works with the Sleep Charity, mans a national sleep helpline and runs an online sleep consultancy business. He has worked with some of the largest organisations in Britain including Network Rail, The Ministry of Justice and NHS Health Education England and the MOD.

INSOMNIA TALKS and the information provided by Joseph Pannell are solely intended for informational and entertainment purposes and are not a substitute for advice, diagnosis, or treatment regarding medical or mental health conditions. The views expressed on this site, or any related content should not be taken for medical or psychiatric advice. Always consult your physician before making any decisions related to your physical or mental health and do not make any behavioural changes before doing so.



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