
Описание к видео 【“尼米茲”級核動力航空母艦】美國海上鋼鐵堡壘"尼米茲"級航空母艦,美國海軍最主要的航空母艦!

尼米茲級航空母艦(英文:Nimitz-class aircraft carrier),是美國海軍隸下的一型現役核動力多用途航空母艦,亦是美國海軍遠洋戰鬥群的核心力量,搭載多種不同用途的艦載機對敵方飛機、船隻、潛艇和陸地目標發動攻擊,並保護美國海上艦隊和海洋利益。
The Nimitz-class aircraft carrier (English: Nimitz-class aircraft carrier) is an active nuclear-powered multi-purpose aircraft carrier under the US Navy. It is also the core force of the US Navy’s ocean-going battle group, carrying a variety of carrier-based aircraft for different purposes. Launch attacks on enemy aircraft, ships, submarines, and land targets, and protect the interests of the US maritime fleet and oceans.
This class of aircraft carrier was named after the first Nimitz, which was named after the commander of the Pacific Fleet in World War II, Chester William Nimitz. The Nimitz class is a U.S. Navy's first-class aircraft carrier, a total of ten ships,


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