Military aluminium canteen, cup, lid, wood stove & Mora 106 knife, ginger tea in the night

Описание к видео Military aluminium canteen, cup, lid, wood stove & Mora 106 knife, ginger tea in the night

Canteen, cup, stove, pouch military set

Morakniv 106

After few days of fasting I could not sleep more than 5 hours as I had too
much energy. I woke up at four and I had nothing beter to do at five o'clock in the morning, so I have decided to make a ginger tea.

First I have grabed some tinder material, prepared the stove and the canteen, then I have prepared some bigger wood and cleaned the ginger.
I have used normal lighter to ignite the fire. Firesteel with birch bark would be cooler, but there are not so many dead birches lying around.

After waiting for the tea to get hot I could finaly enjoy the hot drink, as we have still temperatures slightly above the freezing level.

I could do the tea without a headlamp, but nothing would be visible on the camera. There was enough of light for the eyes, which adapt quickly, but phone's camera is not that good.

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