BU Knitting Club: Crafts and Conversation

Описание к видео BU Knitting Club: Crafts and Conversation

Drop by the GSU Dean’s Lounge on a Tuesday night and you’ll hear the murmur of conversation—and the clickety-clack of knitting needles. Welcome to the BU Knitting Club--A Boston University club open to anyone, regardless of ability. And yes, men attend too.

There are no dues. No demands to show up every week. Just a casual, laid-back opportunity for like-minded people to do something they enjoy, whether it’s weaving, spinning, crochet, or embroidery. “We pretty much welcome anyone who wants to do anything with fiber,” says club president Jessie Caldwell (CAS’18).

What draws the women and men together is the satisfaction they get out of making something—either for themselves or for someone else. “Scarves are pretty much the basic project, so everyone makes a lot of them,” Caldwell says. In the video, club members show off some of their proudest achievements: a warm winter hat, a Harry Potter scarf (with Ravenclaw colors), and a Game of Thrones-themed "Winter is Coming" scarf.

Interested in joining the BU Knitting Club, but don't want to purchase your own needles or yarn? No problem. The club will provide both. If you have any questions, contact them at [email protected].

Read the full story about the BU Knitting Club on BU Today: http://www.bu.edu/today/2017/knitting...


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