Baby walker, baby push walkers and jumpers - DO NOT BUY them - physiotherapist explains.

Описание к видео Baby walker, baby push walkers and jumpers - DO NOT BUY them - physiotherapist explains.

Are baby walkers safe? The answer is no. They can cause injuries, but what is the most important for me as a child physical therapist is that they provoke wrong gait patterns.
In this movie I will explain the pathological motor mechanism caused by baby walkers, baby push walkers and baby jumpers.

00:00 are baby walkers safe?
04:50 baby push walkers good or bad?
05:55 baby jumpers can provoke toe gait

Links to important sites:
Kanadian baby-walkers ban:
Infant Walker–Related Injuries in the United States: https://pediatrics.aappublications.or...

Baby walkers DO NOT SPEED the moment your baby starts walking:
Effect of Baby Walker Use on Developmental Status based on Ages and Stages Questionnaire Score (ASQ) Omid Yaghini, Mehrdad Goodarzi et al. Iran J Child Neurol Winter 2020;14(1):105-111.
Effects of baby walker use on the development of gait by typically developing toddlers.
Paula S.C. Chagasa, Sergio T Fonseca et al. Gait & Posture Vol 76, February 2020, p 231-237
The effects of babywalkers on early locomotor development.
Crouchman M. Dev Med Child Neurol. 1986;28:757–761
Influence of an infant walker on onset and quality of walking pattern of locomotion: an electromyographic investigation.
Kauffman IB, Ridenour M. Percept Mot Skills.1977;45(3 Pt 2):1323–9.
Infant walkers: developmental tool or inherent danger.
Ridenour MV. Percept Mot Skills.1982;55(3 Pt 2):1201–2.
Beliefs about the use of baby walkers.
Chagas PS, Mancini MC et al. Rev Bras Fisioter. 2011;15(4):303–9.


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