"AMANDA" CrossFit WOD Demo -

Описание к видео "AMANDA" CrossFit WOD Demo -

"AMANDA": http://wodwell.com/wod/amanda/ (3:36 Rx)
SUBSCRIBE: http://wodwell.co/yt_sub
Watch the full WOD, un-cut:    • “AMANDA” CrossFit WOD [Extended Foota...  
Ates and Emir both stuck with their strategies and crushed their PRs for the classic benchmark WOD "Amanda,” combining muscle-ups and snatches: Ates at 3:36 Rx; Emir at 8:06 Rx. Ates went unbroken except for one no-rep and a short break in the final set. Emir broke the muscle-ups in the round of 7 and 5, and did singles for each of the snatches.

9-7-5 Reps For Time
Squat Snatches (135/95 lbs)

CrossFit 34 - Istanbul, Turkey

Ates Boran
2014 Rank (Asia Regionals): 13th
2014 Rank (Worldwide): 2,441 (97th Percentile)
CrossFitting 2 yrs
Training 5 days/week
Previous "Amanda" PR: 4:52 Rx
Time: 3:36 Rx

Emir Baser
CrossFitting 1.5 years
Training 5 days/week
Previous "Amanda" PR: 10:15 Rx
Time: 8:06 Rx

WODwell’s (http://wodwell.com) mission is “to create, curate, and organize videos that help athletes improve their performance on CrossFit benchmark WODs and increase their fitness.”

We make video demos for benchmark/named CrossFit WODs (workouts of the day) and collect the best demo videos made by others - to help functional athletes understand each workout, develop a strategy, and ultimately improve their fitness.


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