Professional Inhouse PCB Multilayer Process

Описание к видео Professional Inhouse PCB Multilayer Process

The LPKF lab equipment enable the production of pcb prototype and multilayer boards inhouse. The LPKF ProtoLaser U4 prepare the surface of each layer and cut the through holes and pockets after pressing.

The LPKF Multipress S cover the hot press process by predefined settings Multilayer PCB Prototyping | LPKF:

The inhouse electroplating for via and blind-vias is processed by LPKF Contac S4. Multilayer boards on all laminated materials are possible, such as copper-clad FR4, ceramic or PTFE filled RF materials or on copper coated foil materials.

Find out more about inhouse Multilayer processing in LPKF´s virtual showroom LPKF Product Showroom:


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