The Top 5 California Winter Hikes

Описание к видео The Top 5 California Winter Hikes

Winter can be a difficult season for hikers to motivate themselves to get out on the trails. Cold weather, trail and road closures, post-holing through multiple feet of snow, and avalanche danger can make it seem impossible to get out for a winter hike. But not anymore!

We're sharing our top 5 winter hikes in California so that the next time you're itching to get out on the trail, you know where to go!

We've definitely had our fair share of winter hiking adventures and through trial and error and tons of research we've been able to find some of the most epic winter hikes that should be accessible for most fairly experienced hikers without tons of mountaineering training. From Yosemite to Sequoia National Parks and beyond, we've got you covered!

So this winter, instead of cozying up with that fifth cup of egg nog, join us out on the beautiful winter hiking trails of California!

DISCLAIMER: While we specifically chose these trails due to a relatively low avalanche risk and limited requirements for mountaineering training, there is always inherit risk assumed with any hike. That is especially true if hiking during the winter. Always make sure to bring proper safety equipment, navigation and emergency devices, and be prepared for severe conditions. As always, hike at your own risk :)

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