2021 Saturna Island TuberFest

Описание к видео 2021 Saturna Island TuberFest

This is a link to a short video we produced (non-professionally) to record a 10-month community project on Saturna Island, British Columbia, Canada. We all decided to grow brilliantly coloured South American Tubers (from seed) as a joyful distraction from the stresses of the COVID era.

The project will culminate in the Saturna Island participants (the “Tuberites”) getting together for a celebratory collective lunch in about 10 days' time from now to show off to each other the exotic tubers they so lovingly grew during pre-vaccination lockdown and to share South American (or local) food that they prepared with their precious tubers.

The project brought a smile to all of our faces and I hope that the video does to yours as well.


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