Breville Presents "Make It Vegan" Chili and Corn Muffins: Isa Chandra Moskowitz

Описание к видео Breville Presents "Make It Vegan" Chili and Corn Muffins: Isa Chandra Moskowitz

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This video showcases Isa Chandra Moskowitz making Vegan Chili and Corn Muffins.

Isa, the master of vegan cooking (and jalapeno butchering with a leopard print pairing knife) will show you how to defend your honor at your next pot luck dinner. No longer do you have to be the odd one with the vegan dish. Proudly stand behind this fabulous vegan chili and corn muffins. Perfect for every event, from Super Bowl to Puppy Bowl.

Learn from the queen of vegan how lentil is the ultimate stand-in for meat. Perhaps out performing and over delivering against its cloven rival. In the end, Isa shows you there is only one true ruler.

Vegan Chili and Corn Muffins: not since The Beatles has there been such a powerful meatless union.

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