Lego Star Wars A'sharad Hett

Описание к видео Lego Star Wars A'sharad Hett

Only exciting in Star Wars Legends, A'sharad was padawan to Ki Adi Mundi, Anyo Kura, & his father Sharad Hett. He grew up as a tusken raider b/c his mother was raised as a tusken, & his father joined the tuskens. A'Sharad fought as a general during the Clone Wars & survived order 66 & the Great Jedi Purge. While escaping the empire he taped into the force to find other jedi but failed which caused him to think he was the only surviving jedi & went back to Tatooine & became a leader of 7 Tusken Clans. He later meet & fought Obi Wan b/c A'sharad was trying to invade Owen's farm so Kenobi had to stop him & later cut his hand off off & took of his tusken mask. The tuskens later left A'sharad to die but Kenobi wouldn't kill his old jedi friend. Then A'sharad later became a Sith named Darth Krayt & lead the "One Sith" during the time of Luke's Jedi Order but he, along with his One Sith, was killed


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