【実用使い】折り紙1枚で4つ出来ます🎶自動で挟まる便利なしおり🔖【practical use】Bookmark🔖 that automatically pinches

Описание к видео 【実用使い】折り紙1枚で4つ出来ます🎶自動で挟まる便利なしおり🔖【practical use】Bookmark🔖 that automatically pinches

【難易度】degree of difficulty ★★☆☆☆(2)

【必要なもの】What you need
・15㎝折り紙1枚(で4つ出来ます) 1 sheet of 15 cm origami paper(Four can be made.)
・のり Glue
・ハサミ Scissors

【出来上がりの大きさ】Size of finished product

00:00 ~ 作品紹介 Introduction
01:36 ~ 必要なもの What you need
02:00 ~ 作成開始 Creation started
14:28 ~ 取り付け方 Mounting Method


I was looking at an article on the internet about bookmarks from Daiso, which I thought was very useful 🎶... I started to wonder if I could make one out of origami 🤔 as usual 😅.
The orientation was wrong, 💛 shape were stuck, etc... After a lot of trial and error, I managed to make something that I think is usable ❓ 🙌
If you are interested, please give it a try 🎶.

#折り紙 #しおり #bookmark


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