Reverse Sear Prime Rib Roast Recipe On A Kettle Grill

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Reverse Sear Prime Rib Roast Recipe - How To Cook Prime Rib On A Kettle Grill

Are you looking to impress friends and family with a perfectly cooked, juicy reverse sear prime rib roast? Let’s fire up the Slow 'N Sear Master Kettle Grill and make it unforgettable! This smoked prime rib roast recipe uses the reverse-sear method for a smoky, juicy, and flavorful rib roast for any occasion. By starting the prime rib roast off slow and low on the grill, you’ll achieve an evenly cooked piece with that sought-after pink edge-to-edge finish. We’ll baste it with a delicious herb garlic butter, then crank up the heat to sear it, giving the roast a beautiful exterior!

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