Why FBR issued notice 114(4) | FBR collects data via CNIC | fbr ke pass data kahan se aata hai

Описание к видео Why FBR issued notice 114(4) | FBR collects data via CNIC | fbr ke pass data kahan se aata hai

Why FBR issued notice 114(4) | FBR collects data via CNIC | fbr ke pass data kahan se aata hai | Why was the 114(4) notice issued | What is the penalty for not replying FBR notice | Why has the FBR issued notice 114(4) | Why did the FBR issue notice 114(4) | 114(4) کا نوٹس کیوں آتا ہے: جواب نہ دیں تو کتنا جرمانہ ہوگا | Notice to File Income Tax Return | Notice to File Previous Years Tax Returns | FBR notice about 114(4) and 182 | Notice for non-filing of tax return | Notice regarding failure to file tax return | fbr 182 notice | FBR uses CNICs to collect data | fbr ke pass data kahan se aata hai | FBR notices | Penalty for not submitting a tax return | Penalty for not responding to FBR notices | The penalty for failure to reply to FBR notices | FBR issued notices to people based on data | Notices were issued by FBR based on data | Penalty for Ignoring FBR Notices | FBR power to issue notices to filers and non-filers | FBR's authority to issue notices to both filers and non-filers

Welcome to our YouTube channel where we simplify complex tax matters for everyone, We delve into the workings of the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) and its notices, making it easier for you to understand why they issue notice 114(4) and what it means for you. Learn about how FBR collects data through CNICs and where this data comes from. We also explore the penalties for not replying to FBR notices, including the consequences of ignoring them

  / raastnuqta  
  / raiabid22691885  

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#FBRDataCollection #CNICData #TaxData
#FBRDataSources #TaxDataSources
#TaxLaw #PakistanTaxLaws
#FBRNoticeReply #NonReplyPenalty #TaxNoticePenalty
#TaxReturnNotice #FileTaxReturn
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