AutoCAD 3D Scanning ReCap Tutorial

Описание к видео AutoCAD 3D Scanning ReCap Tutorial

AutoCAD 3D Scanning Recap Tutorial. 3D scanning technology is quickly becoming more affordable and mainstream the way 2D scanning was 20 years ago. In this session, you'll learn how to jumpstart your designs by referencing existing conditions into your AutoCAD drawings. See how point cloud data is captured in the field and easily processed for access in AutoCAD software using ReCap Pro software. Explore some of the simple ReCap tools for navigating and editing point cloud files. Learn how to bring that point cloud data into AutoCAD to accurately measure, create, and document your new designs. Throughout this session, we'll share real-world examples of how you can use this technology to persuade stakeholders, save time, and minimize costs. 3D scanning is the future-and the future is inevitable. Don't be left in the past. Mainly topics covered are:
- Discover the general process for using point cloud data in AutoCAD from the initial 3D scanning to documenting
- Learn how to recognize common scenarios where point cloud data can benefit the design process
- Discover tools and technologies to help integrate point cloud data in the design process
- Discover how 3D scanning, ReCap, and AutoCAD can be applied to your own projects


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