The Woodhead 'Hell Hole' Tunnels. A brief history

Описание к видео The Woodhead 'Hell Hole' Tunnels. A brief history

In this video we cycled to the Woodhead railway tunnels along the Longendale trail. A former disused railway line. The Woodhead tunnels were known as hell holes to the railwaymen that worked steam locomotives through them. The Woodhead tunnels were part of a railway line that was one of the initial cross pennine routes. Trans pennine route. The tunnels were blasted out of rock and the Navvies that dug them had a difficult time. Plagued by Cholera and industrial injuries. Later in 1953 a third trans pennine tunnel was dug and this was Woodhead 3. The line was electrified and employed the class 76 locomotives. I tell a story of seeing the British rail class 76 locomotives at Reddish depot in Manchester. As a trainspotter this line holds a special place for me. The Longendale chain of reservoirs can also be seen. A feat of Victorian civil engineering. The longendale trail is now a cycle route. We see photos of old steam locomotives in this railway history vlog.


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